1. Reminder about private parking, As we have reminded in past years Ramadan month, please do not park at any private parking, including the Westmount Plaza. We received a complaint from them. Cars may be ticketed or towed. While the street parking gets full, often the permitted church parking still has spaces. Please fully utilize the permitted parking.
2. Iftar collection update Iftar fundraising. In our Iftar program, we are serving more than 200 students, every day. At $8 per son, this amounts to well over $1500 per day, and $45,000 to $50,000 for the month. To date, we have collected less than $18,000 . Today's Jummah collection is again for Iftar. Please donate generously.
3. Masjid Gym for Youth Programs, Nikah/Wedding and More. Comprehensive Plan submitted to City. Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah, we have been able to submit a comprehensive project plan to the City, for a Gym Extension. InshaAllah we will have details in the coming days.
Waterloo Masjid members participate in annual general body meetings and support various activities including electing board members.
Anyone from the Waterloo Masjid community can apply to become a member of the Masjid by submitting the membership application form, supporting documents and a non-refundable initiation fee to the Masjid administration in person. Membership will start upon the approval of the board and the payment of annual membership fee.
Existing members can contact the Masjid administration for a copy of the constitution.
All classes will be conducted in person, Alhamdulillah.
Past khutbah recordings are available here MashaAllah.